Conifers Garden CA - World's conifers | Shipping Worldwide

Conifers of the World

The is the Canadian website of Conifers Garden Conifer Nursery, and it is created to help North American plant lovers collect rare conifer species from Europe. Conifers Garden is a small Hungarian nursery specialized in naturally occurring rare conifers. We primarily deal with rare conifers from all over the world, but we also offer unique dwarf and other horticultural species. You may order your favorite species from our webstore, and we deliver to the Canada or any other country in the world. We provide for the required plant health permissions and the customs procedure. We have excellent connections to a number of European nurseries specialized in conifers ( Jiří Balatka, Boomkwekerij van Kempen...). On demand, we undertake the purchase and delivery to the Canada of plants from other European conifer nurseries.

Conifers Garden pays special attention to the protection of rare conifer species. Of the world’s 615 conifer species, 211 or 34% are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as being threatened. Besides ensuring the protection of species at their natural habitat, with our activity we would like to support the conservation of rare species and endorse biodiversity.  We are firm believers in the principle of conservation through cultivation. Although this is only ever the second best option, realistically many plants are so rare and their natural habitats so endangered that they are unlikely to survive on their own. We are indebted to the conifer collectors, botanists and botanic gardens, who helped us to have a unique collection and offer in the world.

